'If you see me walking down the street And I start to cryWalk on By'And if you see a wrong, walk on by.
That's the advice from our Mayor, Boris Johnston, to Londoners as we grapple with, what appears to be, a rise in violence in our city.
Every week (sometimes everyday) we are faced with grim realities. People being stabbed, often fatally, in the streets. The carrying of weapons is a routine. Genuine fear is being expressed. What is causing this, largely youth driven, crime wave?
Is it the lack of role models for young people (especially young men)?, is it a reflection of violent popular culture? Is the breakdown of the family? A lack of opportunity? Poor education? A symptom of inner city living? Drugs? A self perpetuating media driven hysteria? A paucity of aspiration? A failure of the criminal justice system?
Yes, it's all of these things. Mostly though it's about adults not taking responsibility. Parents, neighbours, community leaders, teachers.
But I don't have to take responsibility, the Mayor has told me to walk on by. And I am shamed, because that is what I do.