Monday, 18 August 2008

Cleaning is a Health and Safety Nightmare

Yesterday I was cleaning the bathroom. The cats were 'helping'. As a result of their assistance, my sponge fell to the floor. I bent over to pick it up, stood up forgetting the cupboard door was open and CRACKED my head. My brain rattled. I put an ice bag on my noggin and wondered how many fingers I was holding up.

Today I have a lump, a headache and a sore skull.

Is it cleaning or cats that are hazardous I wonder?

The Brave One

I watched The Brave One over the weekend. I'm not a huge Jodie Foster fan (sacrilege for a lesbian I know), but I enjoyed this. Which surprised me as I had read mixed reviews.

So why did I like it?

I like action movies
I like the idea of a strong, revenge seeking, woman
Jodie Foster is very cute in a tight t-shirt and jeans

I also liked it because it explored, very well I thought, the anger that can lead us to do things we might not otherwise do. The compulsion to act out of character, and how we can hate ourselves for doing it. But we don't stop doing it. Until we have to for the sake of our sanity.

Jodie Foster is a talented actor, of that there is no doubt, she brings intellectual depth to many of her roles and she portrayed the 'hero' in this movie just right. Perhaps I need to revise my opinion of Ms Foster.............

The Brave One. Not Oscarworthy, but definitely worthy of a look..........

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Paris Hilton For President?

John McCain used Paris Hilton's image in a campaign ad suggesting Barack Obama was nothing more than a celebrity.

I am one of those who slams the vacuous lives of people like Paris Hilton, but this is funny and even *gasp* clever

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

I'm too ugly for your telly

The Olympics are on. You might have noticed. I watched the opening ceremony-despite telling myself I wouldn't. They were a spectacular example of chinese history, pageantry and precision dance. A seven year girl sang a national song and won the hearts of the worldwide audience....aaaah.

Except she didn't. The girl we all saw was miming, the actual singer (with the perfect voice) was Yang Peiyi and she was banished backstage somewhere. She was apparently too ugly/imperfect/flawed to be seen on telly. How can that be? The regime of China is so desperate that it stoops to telling a little girl she is too ugly to be seen? Shame.

Little girl - you are beautiful. And don't let those old waxwork rejects tell you otherwise.


Wednesday, 6 August 2008

junk junk everywhere....

I am a hoarder. I keep things because they remind me of people, or places ,or events. I also keep things because they might come in useful one day, or not (in that respect I am definitely my mothers daughter....).

But even I am beginning to become gobsmacked at the amount of junk I have managed to squeeze into my flat. I arrived in London with a backpack. I leave needing a moving truck. How is this possible? It is ridiculous. From now on I am going to be minimalist. I am also going to be a size 10.

In other news, my mother has returned from her holiday to the Gold Coast of Australia. She had a wonderful time seeing family, old friends and old haunts. She is feeling dissatisfied with Wellington and wishes she had moved back to Oz twenty years is warm in Queensland, it is cold in New Zealand.

She starts her short course of chemo next Tuesday, if she manages to finish the treatment , it may extend her life by six months or so........

And I am overwhelmed

Sunday, 3 August 2008

leaving on a jet plane

I am all over the place.

I am leaving London, probably for good, and my heart is breaking. It is breaking for London, my friends,my job, my life. And my heart is breaking because my mother is dying.......

I leave on September 20.

It's going to be brutal