Monday 18 August 2008

Cleaning is a Health and Safety Nightmare

Yesterday I was cleaning the bathroom. The cats were 'helping'. As a result of their assistance, my sponge fell to the floor. I bent over to pick it up, stood up forgetting the cupboard door was open and CRACKED my head. My brain rattled. I put an ice bag on my noggin and wondered how many fingers I was holding up.

Today I have a lump, a headache and a sore skull.

Is it cleaning or cats that are hazardous I wonder?

The Brave One

I watched The Brave One over the weekend. I'm not a huge Jodie Foster fan (sacrilege for a lesbian I know), but I enjoyed this. Which surprised me as I had read mixed reviews.

So why did I like it?

I like action movies
I like the idea of a strong, revenge seeking, woman
Jodie Foster is very cute in a tight t-shirt and jeans

I also liked it because it explored, very well I thought, the anger that can lead us to do things we might not otherwise do. The compulsion to act out of character, and how we can hate ourselves for doing it. But we don't stop doing it. Until we have to for the sake of our sanity.

Jodie Foster is a talented actor, of that there is no doubt, she brings intellectual depth to many of her roles and she portrayed the 'hero' in this movie just right. Perhaps I need to revise my opinion of Ms Foster.............

The Brave One. Not Oscarworthy, but definitely worthy of a look..........

Saturday 16 August 2008

Paris Hilton For President?

John McCain used Paris Hilton's image in a campaign ad suggesting Barack Obama was nothing more than a celebrity.

I am one of those who slams the vacuous lives of people like Paris Hilton, but this is funny and even *gasp* clever

Wednesday 13 August 2008

I'm too ugly for your telly

The Olympics are on. You might have noticed. I watched the opening ceremony-despite telling myself I wouldn't. They were a spectacular example of chinese history, pageantry and precision dance. A seven year girl sang a national song and won the hearts of the worldwide audience....aaaah.

Except she didn't. The girl we all saw was miming, the actual singer (with the perfect voice) was Yang Peiyi and she was banished backstage somewhere. She was apparently too ugly/imperfect/flawed to be seen on telly. How can that be? The regime of China is so desperate that it stoops to telling a little girl she is too ugly to be seen? Shame.

Little girl - you are beautiful. And don't let those old waxwork rejects tell you otherwise.


Wednesday 6 August 2008

junk junk everywhere....

I am a hoarder. I keep things because they remind me of people, or places ,or events. I also keep things because they might come in useful one day, or not (in that respect I am definitely my mothers daughter....).

But even I am beginning to become gobsmacked at the amount of junk I have managed to squeeze into my flat. I arrived in London with a backpack. I leave needing a moving truck. How is this possible? It is ridiculous. From now on I am going to be minimalist. I am also going to be a size 10.

In other news, my mother has returned from her holiday to the Gold Coast of Australia. She had a wonderful time seeing family, old friends and old haunts. She is feeling dissatisfied with Wellington and wishes she had moved back to Oz twenty years is warm in Queensland, it is cold in New Zealand.

She starts her short course of chemo next Tuesday, if she manages to finish the treatment , it may extend her life by six months or so........

And I am overwhelmed

Sunday 3 August 2008

leaving on a jet plane

I am all over the place.

I am leaving London, probably for good, and my heart is breaking. It is breaking for London, my friends,my job, my life. And my heart is breaking because my mother is dying.......

I leave on September 20.

It's going to be brutal

Wednesday 30 July 2008

I have been to Cornwall

and North Devon. I forget, as I struggle with existing in this hurly burly of a metropolis, that England is beautiful. We drove down country lanes, through little villages, hired stripy deckchairs on lovely beaches and admired the often dramatic coastline.

England my England.

Pity I am not english - either through birth or descent. For if I was, I might be tempted to launch into an inspirational song.

When the sun is shining, rural England glows.

Go there. Soon.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Walk on By

'If you see me walking down the street
And I start to cry
Walk on By'

And if you see a wrong, walk on by.

That's the advice from our Mayor, Boris Johnston, to Londoners as we grapple with, what appears to be, a rise in violence in our city.

Every week (sometimes everyday) we are faced with grim realities. People being stabbed, often fatally, in the streets. The carrying of weapons is a routine. Genuine fear is being expressed. What is causing this, largely youth driven, crime wave?

Is it the lack of role models for young people (especially young men)?, is it a reflection of violent popular culture? Is the breakdown of the family? A lack of opportunity? Poor education? A symptom of inner city living? Drugs? A self perpetuating media driven hysteria? A paucity of aspiration? A failure of the criminal justice system?

Yes, it's all of these things. Mostly though it's about adults not taking responsibility. Parents, neighbours, community leaders, teachers.


But I don't have to take responsibility, the Mayor has told me to walk on by. And I am shamed, because that is what I do.


Sunday 29 June 2008

Minicab Madness

On Friday evening I ventured to Stoke Newington and joined friends at Lower The Tone (The Oak Bar, Green Lanes). Having trekked to the other side of London and endured a public transport nightmare in the process (and got a bit lost), I decided to throw caution to the wind and get a minicab the last couple of miles.

I got into the Mercedes and the man asked me where I was going - 'Green Lanes' I say, 'The Oak Bar'.

'oh yes, I know it' he replies 'I have many lesbian women in my cab'

He continued on..... 'You like women, men or both?'

'that's none of your business' was my indignant reply.

After assuring me that he 'didn't care, so long as everyone is happy, my daughter she is lesbian , I want her to be happy' he went on to enquire if I wanted a jacuzzi. I was perturbed by this turn of events and so revealed that I didn't like jacuzzis as I have low blood pressure.

'No jacuzzi? What about group sex? You like group sex? I can take you for group sex, I have a list of all the best places. I have many lesbian women, they all know me to ask for the group sex'

'No' I said 'I don't want group sex' (all the while thinking, what I want is for this cab ride to end)

'You just like to talk? That's OK, I give you my number, if ever you get lonely you call me - I can get you the woman, the man, whatever you want'

Only in London..........


Tuesday 24 June 2008

What The Fuck???

The Germans are known for their culinary skills.
Especially in respect of reconstituted meat products, but really......a cheeseburger in a can? Complete with salad and the bun?
I am almost tempted to get one, just so I can see what it really looks like when you pull back the lid......
4euro's apparently......

Sunday 22 June 2008

Lizzy the Lezzy

a rumination on exes......

Friday 13 June 2008

you shall go to the ball....

Quite possibly the campest thing seen in Brixton.


What would you do if your beloved showed up at the registry office in this?

Run like the clappers would be my advice......

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Fame - it's gonna cost...

Yesterday was a beautiful day in old London. In celebration I cracked open a beer, sat on my balcony and watched the world go by. My peace was shattered around 4pm when a gaggle of schoolgirls starting screaming with delight. 'Oh My God' they yelled 'I can't believe it's you'.

Who was the object of this adoration? Who was surrounded by about 20 girls and was posing for photo's by the bra stall...............a movie star? a well known athlete? a music artiste?

I had to peer really hard. I sort of recognised her. It was Carol from last years Big Brother

Which got me thinking - what makes people worthy of fame these days? Is it talent? Is doing something extraordinary? Is it appearing on TV for five minutes? What would Andy Warhol make of it all?

Saturday 7 June 2008

Thursday 5 June 2008

So - it's Sen Barack Obama

I am a political junkie, I make no apologies for it.

I firmly believe in the democractic ideal - or I will until something better comes along (which hasn't happened so far). I believe that the right to vote is a responsibility that should be taken seriously and which should be used with thought and consideration. Though I am still struggling to come to terms with Boris......

Although not a citizen of the USA - or even someone who visits that country, I have been fascinated by the US presidential candidate selection race. I am not sure if I prefer a presidential system of government or the more familiar (to me) westminster system, but that is by the by. The United States of America is the worlds super power (the only one for now -- until China really starts flexing), so what happens there economically, socially and politically has an effect on me.

The US has two parties - the Republicans and the Democrats (independents and smaller parties making inroads into the upper echelons of power is almost impossible). Each party will put forward a candidate for the presidency of the US and voting will take place in November. The republicans have chosen their candidate - John McCain a white man in his 70's who is a Vietnam war hero, leans toward the socially liberal, is a libertarian economically and is a defence hawk.

It has been the Democratic nomination race which has fascinated us, it has been political viagra and has been, quite possibly, a defining moment in modern politics. Two candidates vieing for the votes in primaries across the nation. One candidate - a white woman in her 60's, a child of the 60's, a former 'first lady', a two time senator and someone who has clearly been positioning herself for a White House run for at least eight years. Hillary Clinton. In the other corner - a black man in his 40's, also a child of the 60's (but in the real sense), a one term senator, an outsider, someone seems t inspire and who is promising change. Barack Obama.

Barack Obama has won the first race. While Clinton has yet to concede her race is over, it is clear that the woman who felt a great sense of entitlement has had that entitlement removed. It now appears she is positioning herself for the vp spot. Whistling in the wind springs to mind.

I am absolutely certain that Clinton was subjected to sexism from the media and from the Obama camp. That is a disgrace in the 21st century. What is equally unacceptable is for heartfelt Clinton supporters (and there are many - Clinton actually won more votes) to declare that they intend to vote for McCain or abstain from voting. This is petty and childish.

It will be fascinating will be to watch and see what impact race has on the presidential race and it will be fascinating to observe the internet viral campaign against Obama-this has already started.

Will it turn out that while Obama has won the Democratic heart, the rest of the US is not ready? Would Clinton have won against McCain, but Obama won't? Or will this really be a turning point, an indication of how far one country has come in my lifetime - a black president, one born during a time of segregation........

All in all, we political junkies are in for an interesting ride. It's gonna be good