Wednesday 4 June 2008

can you have a crush on a website

Is it possible to be in love with a website? If it's possible is it 'normal', or have I developed a fetish?

I am in love with AfterEllen....check it out . It has nothing to do with Ellen DeGeneres= except that it's about lesbian visibility in the media. I've lurking about in the AE bushes for about five years, but only recently become hooked, now I have withdrawal pangs if I don't log in everyday. Worried much?

Of considerable interest to me of late has been how AE has grown in the past 12 months. I used to log on because of the really sharp writing, analysis and wit. That's still there in patches, but standards have dropped as more and more regular content is added. There has been an explosion of Vlogs (or video blogs), many of which are highly entertaining and feature some very attractive women of the lesbian persuasion. Nice.

While obviously US based, there is an attempt to include content of interest to those of us living elsewhere and I am hugely impressed by the diversity of lesbians featured (though I notice no one disabled or fat - but never mind, one day)

What I've also noticed is the changing demographic - lots and lots of young lesbians/bi's and not sure's, for them AE is an affirming experience - it seems that, even in 2008, being a baby dyke is still an isolating and confusing place. What AE tells them is that life can(and will) get better.

What I have found most amusing however is the dyke drama. Even on the interweb lesbians can't help but take every opportunity to criticise, complain and over process. It is hilarious. Or it would be if it wasn't so tragic........and familiar

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